She Believed She Could
One of my favorite poets is Rainer Maria Rilke. For more than a decade, I have started each incoming year with a reflection of his quote, “And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been”.
Many people make New Year’s resolutions. I have made a practice of choosing a single word for the year instead. At the start of 2021, the word Believe chose me. Before I go into more detail regarding my word for 2021, I want to take a step back in time to 2015. The word I chose at the beginning of that year was FREEDOM. My focus was to achieve freedom in all aspects of my life.
Freedom of thought
Freedom of speech
Freedom of choice
Freedom to pursue the things that brought me joy
Freedom to be my authentic self in every setting—at work, at home or at play
Freedom from the expectations and judgement of others
Financial Freedom
In my quest for freedom throughout that year, I realized that freedom is less about a release from external factors that were holding me back and more about shifting my mindset from victim to victor. With this change in perspective, I made substantial progress in what I now have termed as “living free”. This simply means that I live my life from a place of faith and abundance, versus fear and scarcity. Let me tell you, this simple shift in perspective has radically changed the way I approach every decision and every choice that I make both personally and professionally.
Ok, back to my word for 2021- BELIEVE. This is the year that I am believing bigger. I am believing in the new seeds that I have planted that are waiting to bloom. I believe in myself and all that I have to offer to the world. I believe in my purpose. With this foundation firmly in place, I made the leap of faith and co-founded AZF Strategic Consulting in March 2021. I am elated to announce that we are open for business and actively accepting new clients! The seeds that started to take root in 2015 are in full bloom and the fruit is my freedom to believe in the things hoped for, but that are yet to be.
“She BELIEVED she could, so she DID.”
I’d like to invite all of you reading this to share in our journey. Please stay in touch with us by giving us a follow on LinkedIn and Facebook. If you or someone you know is in need of a service we offer, feel free to get in touch with us.